"What a transformational experience this has been. It’s been a redefinition of defining intimacy, and what we are in society, our expectations, and these really outdated tropes we live on that we don’t even know we’re perpetuating that aren’t even authentic. It’s been so interesting and informative.
It’s been huge for my husband, for our partnership and our capacity to communicate so much more in the moment and leaning into the relationship where this could go as opposed to “things are happening, life is crazy, and I’m going to pull away and lean back.” - A. |
"I feel like this class has come along at a really shockingly huge transition...it's been really helpful to be thinking about these things as my relationship is changing, and my own kind of situation is changing. I signed up for it because I was coming out of a divorce and wanted to figure out if what was going on for the last couple of years was a medical problem on my end or something else. I’ve firmly figured out that it wasn’t it, it was the context in which I was putting sex and how I was thinking about it.
[My partner and I] have been talking through some of the exercises together, and it gives us something to talk about. The whole process has really helped us figure out things about our dynamic and the way both of us feel about sex that neither of us were really comfortable ever thinking about before. For us, I think this has been really helpful in reframing what it means to be sexually intimate together. Knowing that we’re not alone in any of these [experiences] is really reassuring." - S. |
"It’s been just so powerful being in a group of women, all of us sharing such intimate things about our lives. It’s huge for me, and so touching.
The biggest thing for me has been to know that I’m okay, sexually. I see that for all of us [the women in the program], we’re okay. And it gives me such hope. Last night, we [my partner and I] talked about sex for a couple of hours. Me? Who is this person? I feel like Jane has freed me to have the relationship that I’ve always wanted. I always knew I could have that sort of intimate relationship, but I always hoped the sex would be okay. But it’s more than okay, it’s great, and that’s life changing for me. I feel really, really hopeful that I can be that person to have the relationship that I’ve always wanted since i was a child." - J. |
"I have been very grateful for this class.
There was something so comforting about being able to talk to other women about it [the material]. I’ve started this journey where it’s okay not to have this huge embarrassment and hang up about sex, which I totally have had my whole life...I feel like I’m making progress It was very comforting for me to know that other people don’t have a completely perfect sex life going on. I feel like I feel different. I feel more comfortable in the process." - M. "I think one of the big things that I've gotten out of this is a realization of how important intimacy as opposed to sex is to me personally. And that's a piece that I need to work on in my relationship."
- K. |
"[My partner and I] are more intimate, and in a way that I appreciate...it’s not fake. It’s genuine.
Jane, you’re a miracle worker. I’m definitely going to sign up for the June workshop. I feel like we’ve only touched the surface, and I want to go deeper. [My partner] does too, which is the big surprise for me. Prior to finding Jane, I suggested that we go to counseling. Our relationship wasn’t bad, but I knew it could be better. This opened that door. It’s cracked that window, and I know there is so much more for us. I look at him differently." - L. "I’ve really recognized the difference between and the appreciation for intimacy versus just sex. I love doing it with [my partner], who’s in the men’s group. He’s learned a lot. I’ve learned a lot. And we can talk about it in a way that’s not embarrassing."
- J. |
"It was kind of unnerving to be in a class where my spouse was also in the same class, but we survived it. I think it actually helped because we weren’t able to hide anything then. And then, to see everyone else’s reactions about the other really helped.
I look at everyone else in the room and realize what the future can hold, so I hold a lot of hope for that. It's just been so great listening to everyone." - C. |
I’ve appreciated the opportunity to not only learn some things, but also reinforce some things that I was already well aware of...which will help cement me into a good relationship that continues to be that. Thank you, Jane.
- G. |
"[My wife] and I have been together for almost 40 years...I wish I had done this 20-25 years ago. It’s never too late to try something new. I was not comfortable talking about this kind of stuff. So getting in here with this group of guys who were so free flowing with their thoughts and conversation was great for me, and I appreciate that…
I learned a lot, and I’ve grown a lot. [My wife] and I improved our relationship because of this." - D. |
"Some of the best, more rewarding, and more useful stuff is definitely not only Jane’s materials, but offering her perspective from a woman’s point of view, and the differences between us [men and women] and how we view things. It definitely helps us in how we approach our partners."
- A. |
"I’d just like to say kudos to Jane for putting this together. Being open and honest and sharing - my relationship with my wife is much better than it ever has been because of this."
- C. |
"I’m the free-est I’ve ever been with my wife. I am 99% all myself...I have that with my wife, and I’m so grateful."
- M. |
“Jane's open, compassionate style and ability to normalize sexuality with her expertise and coaching helped me immensely. I feel more empowered with my sexuality and my relationship is stronger than ever because of Jane's program. Thank you!"
- K. |
“I just wanted to reach out again and say thank you for your work and your amazing brain. I got more out of our hour long session than I did in 3 different therapists offices. You're incredible and just felt you needed to hear that again. Hope you're staying safe and no need to respond. The compliment is free, just like your gift was to me two years ago”
- A. |
“You have been a godsend, Jane. The universe put the right person in our path at the right time.”
- A. |